The Wonder Years was a family comedy tv show about the life of a 12-year-old boy (Fred Savage) growing up in the 1960s United States. There was regular narrative from a "grown-up" Kevin which provided insight into what he was thinking when he was 12 and what he thought about the same situation years later.
112 Episodes for only 41.99!
Good post!
The Wonder Years was a great tv series. And I want to buy tv dvd like this.
this is frank ravalli i hope you could send me the set of the wonder years i used to have it from someone else but they didnt work good no more and they would not help me get a new one i hope because its the new year you could send me one the address 3905 dale rd #b modesto ca 95356
this is frank ravalli i hope you could send me the set of the wonder years i used to have it from someone else but they didnt work good no more and they would not help me get a new one i hope because its the new year you could send me one the address 3905 dale rd #b modesto ca 95356
this is frank ravalli i hope you could send me the set of the wonder years i used to have it from someone else but they didnt work good no more and they would not help me get a new one i hope because its the new year you could send me one the address 3905 dale rd #b modesto ca 95356
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